Government Contracts

We have clients that want to do business with government, and they hire us to help them identify and obtain government contracts.

Industries from construction, engineering, architecture, ERP software and implementation, red light cameras, body cameras, Covid testing, the list goes on and on. We have helped clients be successful with government procurements like Request for Proposals (RFP), Request for Letters of Interest (RLI), bids, and more, because we have a unique understanding of the process, the players and the politics so that we may advise our client on how to best position its written response and oral presentation. When GLG works with a client on a government procurement, we invest a lot of time and energy to understand the intricacies of the client and its business. This successful practice has yielded hundreds of millions of dollars for clients in government work.

In addition to the successful assistance in winning the procurement, our firm has extensive experience in initiating and defending bid protests. Due to our knowledge of procurement processes and Florida law, we can identify potential bid protest-able issues and determine how to best address them either in the moment or later on in a protest. Knowing how and when to file public records requests also helps to ensure that our clients have all of the relevant data to make decisions.

Once the procurement award is completed, we routinely assist clients with contract negotiations with the governmental entity. Our clients find that having our assistance during contract negotiations and thereafter are helpful in finalizing a favorable contract. Contract maintenance is an important aspect of being a successful bidder. GLG communicates with stakeholders and decisionmakers throughout the term of the contract to ensure that there are no issues that arise, and that the client is viewed even more favorably for future procurements.

The most important key for success is bringing our team into the process at the beginning, so we may assist the client early instead of scrambling to make submission and protest deadlines.